Here on our online shelves you will find a small selection of items that are available for delivery, such as seeds, books, honey, dried flowers etc, plus a few of our plants that can be pre-ordered for collection from us.
The Garden Gate grew out of our honesty box which is where you will find most of our homegrown plants, produce and cut flowers, honey, seeds, books etc. Availability varies seasonally so keep an eye on our social media or message us to check what’s available.
We really do appreciate you shopping with us – our online shop, honesty box and market stall all help to fund our courses, workshops and library and every purchase makes a real difference, so thank you!
Our online bookshop is hosted at, clicking the link will open up a new window where you will find our carefully curated list of books covering organic gardening, self sufficiency and related topics. Every book on the shelf is one that we have read ourselves and can personally recommend.
Orders are placed with and fulfilled by We chose to partner with them because the money you spend goes directly to supporting local bookshops. We know many of the books can be found cheaper elsewhere but we prefer to support independent booksellers and authors rather than filling the coffers of Amazon. So if you are able to, please consider making a purchase through our bookshop and help in supporting this literary ecosystem.
As an affiliate, we receive a small percentage of each sale made through our bookshop on, which goes towards funding our free resources and workshops. Every sale really does make a difference so thank you for shopping with us – we hope you gain as much from the books on the list as we have over the years.